
Friendship Gratitude- Reyna

Happy birthday Reyna!  You were on my list of people who has positively affected my life, but it just was perfect timing that your birthday happened the same time too.11709531_10207189686369362_4851656783353455810_n

We met in a whirlwind after you reconnected with Savoy. We had a great time doing Paint Nite, filled with love bites from Savoy and some attempted wine glass painting that didn’t come out perfectly right.  I mean look how you fit perfectly in this picture, very typical to have a very nice picture with Savoy being…well Savoy in the background.10552644_10100200861833361_3770906539825463729_n

I knew we bonded the moment we met, but unfortunately, right after you flew away to a land far far away and when I say far far away, I mean in Israel.

It’s been about 2 years and we kept in touch here and there, but over the past few months we have bonded closer than ever.  I think it’s because we are cut from the same cloth.  We are both good at heart and we continually are good even when we are burned.

I feel like our lives in many ways are very similar and I am so glad I can entertain you with my stories.  It’s like a real life, unedited tele-novela.

I admire you for your perseverance in life. As I find out more and more about your past and all the experiences that have led you to become the person you are, I am so proud of you.  It’s not easy to always keep a smile on your face, even when life throws a few, well quite a lot of curve-balls at you.

You impress me with your strength to be in the military.  You will say it is nothing, but it is an absolute accomplishment to be there.  I would be kicked out the minute they realized I cannot do one push-up.259479_224241870927861_1861842_o

And secondly, you are incredibly smart.  To get your fellowship, to be in your job, you are both beauty and brains.  But most importantly, you have a great personality to go along with it.

I love how independent you are. You don’t depend on any one, you can take care of yourself.  You are caring. You are open to any conversation; I can attest because of our many hours of laughter with ours about everything.  And you are one of the few people when someone asks for advice, you’ll be frank about your thoughts.

You are bold. You are a natural risk-taker.  You embrace change and crazy opportunities that come into your life.  You actually live and breathe my motto of “YOLO.”  You have enough stories to fill your own New York Bestseller.

And during our last conversation, the one line that struck a chord with me was, “Good people absorb the bad for those who don’t care because we are more sensitive.”  And 100%, I agree with that statement.

And as we age and our circle of friends grow smaller because we focus on strengthening good friendships than fostering a plethora of acquaintances, I am thankful to be a part of yours.13226909_10100526742266361_483630783703263028_n

No matter where you end up in life, I wish you the best Reyna. I know that you will survive through any obstacle because you are the definition of strength.  I hope you know I may not be there next to you every day and we may not message on a daily basis because of life.  But I promise you, when you need me I’ll be there. When you need someone to vent to, someone to empathize, someone to laugh with I am only a phone call away.

And as time goes on, I know our friendship will go on as well and I’m excited to see where our paths lead us.  In our storybook, anything is fair game.

And finally….Here is one nice group picture of all of us.10592801_10100200856583881_7790319729773404705_n

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